The Journey for Justice Alliance was launched in 2012, in response to the growing problem of school privatization (starving of neighborhood schools, school closings, charter and contract school expansion, turnarounds) impacting cities across the United States. Initially starting with Chicago, Detroit, Newark, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, Oakland, Euphora MS and Minneapolis J4J started with monthly conference calls to build connections. From there, in 2013 we organized a 5000-person march from the U.S. Department of Labor to the U.S. Department of Education to advocate for summer jobs and ending the harmful practice of school closings. After this action, the group adopted the name Journey for Justice Alliance and in 2014, first made national news with a 1000-person rally and “Community Hearing” at the U.S. Department of Education where we released our first report “Death by a Thousand Cuts” and made our first national demand for the option of School Improvement Grant resources to be used for sustainable community schools.

Now J4J has member organizations in over 30 cities across the country. The work continues…
J4J has an Education Platform rooted in racial justice and education equity.
Now J4J has member organizations in over 30 cities across the country. The work continues…
J4J has an Education Platform rooted in racial justice and education equity.
1. A Moratorium on School Privatization
2. 25,000 Sustainable Community Schools by 2025
3. End Zero Tolerance Policies in Public Education NOW;
4. Equity Mandates for Public Education at the Local & State Level;
5. Stop the Attack on Black Teachers;
6. End State Takeovers, Appointed School Boards & Mayoral Control;
7. Eliminate the Over-Reliance on Standardized Tests in Public Schools.